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22-04-2019      -   08-06-2019
"Dziś w Krakowie" - Portal Kraków Zaprasza
Woodwork Courses in Krakow
"Dziś w Krakowie" - Portal Kraków Zaprasza

Warsztat Lirstar
Krowoderska 32
Zapewniamy kreatywnš przestrzeń, w której możesz nauczyć się stolarki lub wykorzystać przestrzeń przy stole do wykonania własnego projektu.
Warsztaty Lirstar zostały ustawione i zarzšdzane przez Thomas Doherty doœwiadczonego stolarza, mówi po angielsku i potrafi również komunikować się w języku polskim.
Jest to pierwszy warsztat stolarski w Krakowie, jeœli nie w całej Polsce, łšczšcy w sobie inny sposób na zgłębianie swojej kreatywnoœci, a jednoczeœnie poprawiajšcy znajomoœć języka angielskiego jednoczeœnie w bardziej naturalny sposób.
Warsztat Lirstar korzysta głównie z narzędzi ręcznych wpływajšcych na tradycyjne umiejętnoœci i uczšcych się, a także ograniczajšcych do minimum pył i hałas. Jeœli jesteœ zainteresowany i chcesz uzyskać więcej informacji, skontaktuj się z nami, aby umówić się na wizytę w warsztacie Lirstar, aby zobaczyć, co robimy i zastanowić się, co chcesz zrobić.jeœli jesteœ zainteresowany, zapraszamy do warsztatu Lirstar.

The Lirstar workshop was set up and is managed by Thomas Doherty a qualified and experienced carpenter who speaks English and can also communicate well in Polish. This is a unique workshop setting that mainly uses hand tools with the view of influencing and learning traditional skills in woodwork while also keeping dust and noise to a minimum.

We have a range of courses on offer for you to start off and work at your own pace in a relaxed and none competitive environment.

Prices start from 30zl per hour to use the Tools and a space at a woodwork bench if you would like to make something of your own choice.

Course prices start off at 40zl per hour per person and there would be an additional cost for the materials required for the chosen course.

If you would like Individual one to one tuition the price would start of at 60 zl per hour, for example the introduction to woodwork course.

Listed below you will find a list of some of our courses if you or some of your friends are interested and would like further information please contact Thomas for further information or to arrange a visit to the Lirstar workshop. Tel: 534 777 391

Facebook @lirstarkrakow

1. INTRODUCTION TO WOODWORK. This is for people who are new to woodwork and who would like to learn skills and techniques. This introduction will give you the correct guidance on how to properly use some tools. This is the best way to start before moving on to the next step.

2. BASIC JOINT MAKING. This is the key to good woodworking, in this course you will learn important ways of choosing and sizing the wood, accurately marking out and cutting woodworking joints. This can inspire and build confidence as you improve.

3. WOODEN BOX MAKING. In this course you can learn to make a keepsake box, jewellery box, music box or a Japanese style box, The choice is yours it could be a cool present for someone or something you would like to keep for yourself..

4. SPICE RACK OR KEY CABINET. This is another cool way to be creative and practice your skills in woodwork while making something useful for your home that is ecstatically pleasing to the eye.

5. MAKING A LYRE OR HARP. In this course you will learn how to make a 12 string musical instrument a lyre harp. These lyre harps can be tuned to the diatonic scale and many tunes can be played on them. This is also very nice to display on a wall when not in use and it's also a nice size to take travelling.
Warsztat Lirstar
Krowoderska 32




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